Fire engineering is all about protecting life and assets from fire through the application of the core sciences; physics, chemistry, mathematics, and psychology. “Fire engineering” is also sometimes taken to describe a recipe-driven approach to analysis and reporting, which can become just as prescriptive as code-following (which does not always provide the anticipated “performance”).
Whether there are codes involved or not, Stacey Agnew applies scientific knowledge, mathematics, ingenuity and plain common sense to clearly understand the issues and develop solutions for technical problems.
That is; we do real engineering in connection with fire issues. We do this whether there are also codes involved or not. That is what we mean by “fire engineering”.
Stacey Agnew has extensive experience in the fire engineering of transport infrastructure (underground road, rail and bus spaces), in industrial and mining contexts, and for cable tunnels. We can also provide advice on operational and response aspects, as they relate to fire life safety and risk.
Stacey Agnew’s services
in fire engineering include:
- Quantitative and qualitative risk assessment
- Egress assessment
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (smoke and ventilation modelling)
- Assessment of fire hazard and ‘design’ fires (trains, buses, cases, machinery, etc)
- Systems commissioning
- Forensic analysis including arson investigation
- Independent Peer Review