
7th International Conference on Tunnel Safety and Ventilation

Publication Date:

May 2014


Conrad Stacey

The fact that deaths in a tunnel are possible can be confronting and politically difficult, therefore project decisions on risk can be difficult, even if the risks are very small. No one wants to be seen as ‘compromising’ safety, and so often there is a tendency to avoid responsibility for the final risk level.
The success of projects is related to the skill and dedication of people in design, construction and management and to the productive engagement with interested parties. But above all else, it is related to the framework set up for those people to work within. The project governance framework can either facilitate or thwart successful decisions on design and operation.
Governance reasons for success and failure are examined and a common approach is sought to project governance elements which will facilitate successful fire life safety design in any jurisdiction. Amongst other enabling characteristics, the key requirement is awareness of the role of risk decision maker and appropriate assignment of that role within the contractual framework.

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Key Words

project governance, risk, decision making, risk acceptance.